Welcome to TorrentPier Cattle

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admin ®

Gender: Unknown

Registered: 7 hours

Posts: 1

Post Today 05:00 | #1 · Author


Thank you for installing the new — TorrentPier Cattle!
What to do next? First of all configure your site in the administration panel (link in the bottom).
Change main options: site description, number of messages per topic, time zone, language by default, seed-bonus options, birthdays etc... Create a couple of forums, delete or change this one. Change settings of categories to allow registration of torrents, change announcer url. If you will have questions or want additional modifications of the engine, visit our forum (you can use english, we will try to help in any case).
If you want to help with the translations: Crowdin.
Our GitHub organization: https://github.com/torrentpier.
Our SourceForge repository: https://sourceforge.net/projects/torrentpier-engine.
Our demo website: https://torrentpier.duckdns.org.
We are sure that you will be able to create the best tracker available!
Good luck! 😉
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